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Work Blur


Marketing can be complex. I make it simple.

With easy to understand packages, you know what you're getting, when you're getting it and what results you should expect from it.

Monthly Recurring Packages




Website maintenance

SEO audit

Content and copy writing

Social media audit

Backlinking & PR strategy

Quarterly marketing plans

Content marketing strategy

Quarterly sales enablement

Thought leadership strategy

Social media management

Analytics & dashboarding

Website content changes


per month


per month


per month

One-off Packages

PR Strategy & Execution

Opening a new location? Need to manage a crisis? The PR Strategy & Execution package covers the basic communication needs for your business. 


What's included:


  • Traditional press release

  • Digital news release on your blog

  • Up to 2 email blasts

  • Communication enablement strategy

  • Video scripting and interview coaching

Client Holiday Strategy

Gifts and cards might be cliche, but they're prevalent for a reason; They keep your name top of mind and give sales team that extra touch point at the end of the year. Don't go through the motions this year. Make your holiday activies count with a strategic approach to holiday gifts and cards.


What's included:


  • Branded holiday card design

  • Holiday gift buying guide with 3 tiers

  • Email templates for sales follow ups

  • Distribution strategy

LinkedIn Enablement for Sales

Teach your sales team to leverage LinkedIn for lead gen with social enablement tools that boost their LinkedIn profiles and activity.


What's included:


  • Branded cover photo

  • LinkedIn profile audit for sales team

  • One hour in person or virtual training

  • Social enablement strategy template

  • 5 templated post graphics

Event Planning & Coordination

From budgeting and promotion to sales enablement and day-of coordination, this package includes everything you need to host a successful event or pull off a spectacular event sponsorship.


What's included: 


  • Planning template

  • Guest tracker

  • Budget template

  • Promotional plan

  • Sales enablement training

  • Day of coordination

  • Post event analytics

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